Yakima birds
Short-eared Owl view 2 2014-01-18 ©Kevin S Lucas
Barred Owl - (hair)do ©Kevin S. Lucas
Barred Owl - redo ©Kevin S. Lucas
Barred Owl - done ©Kevin S. Lucas
1st winter Northern Shrike at Poppoff on January 15, 2014 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Great Horned ouch 2014-01-13 ©Kevin S Lucas
Goofy Mike's Harris's Hawk ©Kevin S. Lucas
Mary & Goofy
Harris's Sparrow 2014-01-05 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Wilson's Snipe 2014-01-05 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Sharp-Shinned Hawk in backyard November 28. 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch -- Selah Butte November 23, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch -- Selah Butte November 23, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Fox Sparrow -- abberant plumage Yakima Arboretum November 22, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Anna's Hummingbird adult male in backyard November 21, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Barred Owl at Mike & Alice Roper's November 19, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
BiMart bird seed mix
Anna's Hummingbird in back yard ©Kevin S Lucas
Bird bandit Jeff Kozma with small billed Red Crossbill
Same bird, but my, that bill really is large.
Pygmy Nuthatch in Wenas ©Kevin S Lucas
American Robin at Clear Lake 09oct2013 ©Kevin S Lucas
Two in the bush ©Kevin S. Lucas
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs - Toppenish NWR Sept. 24, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Red Crossbill female face in Wenas area Oct. 3, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Red Crossbill female in Wenas area Oct. 3, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Pygmy Nuthach in Wenas area Oct. 3, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas
Parasitic Jaeger showing tail feathers ©Kevin S. Lucas
Parasitic Jaeger at Rimrock Lake, Sept. 28, 2013 ©Kevin S. Lucas