American Redstart at Debie Brown's house 2014-09-06 ©Kevin S Lucas
Found & shared by Debie Brown. 1st year male. Many local birders enjoyed the view.
Thank you Debie & Ron Brown for being such gracious hosts, and for sharing your bird finds so quickly and freely to all.
Denny Granstrand, who arrived a short while after me, completely blocked the driveway with his pickup truck. It's not parking when you just block the drive. It's just rude. He could have continued a few feet farther to where the driveway is wide enough for two vehicles, or just past that to a large parking area.
Debie told me later that Eric, a teenaged lister, did playback unnecessarily. That's also rude. Rare birds are more likely to be stressed. Stressing them with Playback is inappropriate. Even if you don't recognize that they're likely stressed, harassing a rare bird lessens the chances that others who'd like to see the bird (bird watchers - not listers) might be able to.
List and trespass away. Your high counts on eBird are gotten in a shameful manner.
Don't block the road.
Don't do playback to rare birds.
Don't do playback at someone's house before asking politely whether they think playback is appropriate.
Work to maintain the access we have. Be polite as a guest, and don't trespass. And if you're a BirdYak list owner (Denny) current Yakima Valley Audubon Society President (Denny), or the prior president (Andy Stepniewski) -- Don't lie about trespassing. I don't just mean on Yakama Nation closed lands. Private land along Priest Rapids Lake anyone? BirdYak list owner, president -- Do you read me? What a shame.
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